Monday, August 5, 2013

News From Centennial Convention!

In early July, Phi Sigma Sigma collegians and alumnae from across the country gathered in New York City to celebrate Phi Sigma Sigma's centennial anniversary!

Centennial was the perfect mix of sorority business and sisterhood activities, that included lunch at our founding campus, Hunter College.  Highlights included our very own NOVA Alumnae Chapter member Katie V., Epsilon Delta, being elected to Supreme Council as Grand Vice Archon, a celebration of the last 100 years through timeline displays and theatrical performances and the opportunity to chat with 10 past Grand Archons. 

Looking forward to the next 100 years of sisterhood!

A few of our favorite Centennial photos!

Alumnae Chapter Archon Dotti S., Epsilon Beta, and Past Supreme Council Director
Michelle D., Theta Theta,
@ the Boathouse in Central Park

 Foundation Director Gretchen E., Kappa,
@ WalkRunDance in Memory of Past Grand Archon Josette George Kaufam

Foundation Dinner Entertainment

Gretchen E., Kappa, on Her Way to Centennial Lunch @ Hunter College

 Chapter Delegate Natalia A., Pi, and Grand Vice Archon Katie V., Epsilon Delta
 @ Sphinx Banquet 
Grand Vice Archon Katie V., Epsilon Delta, and Past Grand Archon Veachey B., Xi
Taking in the Sights in NYC