Friday, May 27, 2011

Wine Tasting and Pizza Cooking Class

Please join the Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter on Saturday, June 18th from 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM for our annual wine tasting event. This year we're partnering our wine tasting with a pizza cooking class/demonstration! Chef Matt Finarelli will teach us how to make excellent homemade pizza, including how to toss the crust! It promises to be a fun and interactive event with fantastic homemade pizzas and wonderful Italian wines.

This event is open to Phi Sigma Sigma alumnae, their friends, spouses, family, etc. The cost is $15 for all dues paying members of the Northern VA Alumnae Chapter, and $25 for all non-dues paying Phi Sig alums and non Phi Sigs.

For questions regarding this event please contact Dotti Shields or 703-599-6771.

Event Cost